Going to the nations with the Gospel and bringing revival to the church ..
- Radically converted in 1977 with no church background, Alan soon felt the call to full time ministry. He began to evangelize one on one. As a hairdresser his congregation became the clients in his salon, and he soon became known as “the preaching barber”.
- Alan & Pat served in Children’s Church in the Church of the Nazarene for 8 years after their conversion
- In 1988 they served as area pastors over 900 people at Christian Outreach Centre, Mansfield (now Citipointe) under Ps Clark Taylor. Alan travelled around COC churches in Australia and overseas doing evangelistic crusades and pastors conferences.
- 1993-2017 – Over a 24 year period Alan & Pat pioneered and pastored Bridgeman Life Church, Bridgeman Downs, Brisbane, under Christian Outreach Centre (Now known as INC). At the same time Alan conducted Missions trips overseas evangelising and imparting revival to pastors and churches.
- 2008 an Orphanage was built up in Bapatla, South India, under the local pastors in the area. Currently there are 55 children being nurtured and educated through the Orphanage. (To donate to the Orphanage go to “Support Us” page)
- Ministry to pastors in India has steadily grown and now sees approximately 350 pastors and churches networking under Ps Alan’s ministry for training and impartation.
- In June 2017, after 24 years of establishing and pastoring Bridgeman Life Church, now a $15,000,000 property, Ps Alan & Pat transitioned the church (now Victory Church) so Ps Alan could be released to travel full time to the nations.
- His passion to reach the lost and see them discipled takes Ps Alan all over the globe. He sees multitudes of souls saved, pastors trained, and churches revived in the power and presence of God.
- Ps Alan spends this season of his life passionately imparting the knowledge and wisdom he has learned from 35 years of ministry to pastors, leaders and congregations. Ps Alan & Pat have been under the covering of INC, International Network of Churches, (formerly known as Christian Outreach Centre) for over 35 years.
- The humanitarian arm of our ministry is growing rapidly requiring increased financial support. Humanitarian aid is given through Global Care, the Public Benevolent Institution of INC (Christian Outreach Centre). (Donations to the orphanage of 55 children in South India are a tax deduction in Australia. Please see Humanitarian page for more details to support this work.)
Please partner with us to spread the Gospel and bring revival to the Church ….
Online Banking:
Account Name: Alan Wills Ministries
BSB Number: 124185
Account Number: 22663891
Bank Name: Bank of Queensland
Contact details: admin@alanwillsministries.org
Phone number: +61 403 091 047